Sunday, March 02, 2008

Flex 3 Released !!

There are a lot of things going around. I joined my first meeting of Bangalore Flex Users Group and got to know some cool features of Flex 3 and AIR. Mrinal Wadhwa, has given a good presentation on this event. I have a keen interest in developing Flex Components. I am learning a lot and following one principle. The principle is competing against yourself. Its about self-improvement, about being better than you were the day before. I do a lot of stuff in Flex, and got so much tired by the end of day that couldn't get time to pen down those stuff. Now, I have to learn to delegate task, which I already know, and give time to new things. There are plenty of tabs open in my Firefox browser, and new gets open every day. Well, hope to pen down some of the cool feature and moving from personal blog to the coolest Flex Blog..... !!

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